Caracalla (188-217).



The Domus Aurea (“Golden House”, in Latin) was a vast palace built by the Emperor Nero in the heart of ancient Rome after the great fire in 64 AD which destroyed a large part of the city.

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The 300-room structure, now mostly underground, takes its name from the gold leaf that once covered many of its walls.

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Leptis Magna was a prominent city in Roman Libya.

Little is known about the old city, but it appears to have been powerful enough to repel Dorieus’ attempt to establish a Greek colony nearby in c. 515 BC. A 4th to 3rd century BC necropolis was found under the Roman theatre.

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Leptis Magna remained as such until the reign of the Roman emperor Tiberius, when the city and the surrounding area were formally incorporated into the empire as part of the province of Africa. It soon became one of the leading cities of Roman Africa and a major trading post.

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In c. 647 due to an Arab invasionthe city was mostly abandoned except for a Byzantine garrison force and a population of less than 1,000 inhabitants. Under Arab domination Leptis disappeared: by the 10th century the city was forgotten and fully covered by sand.

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Volubilis is a partly excavated Roman city in Morocco, commonly considered as the ancient capital of the kingdom of Mauretania.

It developed from the 3rd century BC onward as an Amazigh, then proto-Carthaginian, settlement before being the capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. It grew rapidly under Roman rule from the 1st century AD and gained a number of major public buildings in the 2nd century, including a basilica, temple and triumphal arch.












Jerash is the site of the ruins of the Greco-Roman city of Gerasa, also referred to as Antioch on the Golden River. Ancient Greek inscriptions from the city as well as literary sources from both Iamblichus and the Etymologicum Magnum support that the city was founded by Alexander the Great or his general Perdiccas, who settled aged Macedonian soldiers there. This took place during the spring of 331 BC, when Alexander left Egypt, crossed Syria and then went to Mesopotamia.

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