Caligula: Ballet L’Opera Nacional de Paris (2011).



Vaslav Nijinsky (1889-1950)
Rudolf Nureyev (1938-1993)

“Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune”, known in English as “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun”, is a symphonic poem for orchestra by Claude Debussy (1862-1918) approximately 10 minutes in duration. It was first performed in Paris on December 22, 1894, conducted by Gustave Doret.
Debussy’s work later provided the basis for the ballet “Afternoon of a Faun” choreographed by Vaslav Nijinsky.


“It was well known that Madame Danilova, the famous teacher and former ballerina with the Ballet Russe, had a phrase that she would always repeat whenever anyone gushed to her about the performance of a danseur. The phrase was, “Yes, but I saw Nijinsky.” So one night, Madame came to see the Nijinsky program, the homage to the Ballet Russe with Nureyev and the Joffrey Ballet, the company you see here: L’apresmidi, Petrouchka, and Spectre de la Rose. Afterward, she went backstage where she was received with utmost respect by Nureyev. “Rudolf,” she said, “you know what I always say.” He answered with humility, “Yes, Madame. I do.” And she said, “This time, I do not say it.” That’s about the highest praise I can imagine for one of the two greatest dancers of the 20th century, both gone way too soon.?” – Lin Hiril (Google +)